The Light in Dark Times

By Rumiel Casanova, COMM2B

Since the day that I arrived in my province, I knew then that all of us are afraid about the coronavirus. Our province also does the same in Manila when the local government placed Batangas under Community Quarantine. 

Getting some food and necessities in our province may not be difficult compared to Manila but it is perhaps a privilege to stock up food in our fridge. My parents have their quarantine passes to cross borders of every barangay in our municipality.  To make us safe, they go to the market once a week and buy our food for the whole week. It is enough for a family of 7 but we still make sure that we are not wasting any of these blessings that not everyone can get. 

Every day, my father goes to our farm to check and manage our business. He always wears his mask for the safety of himself and for us. While in our house, my siblings and I help the household chores to lessen the work of my mother as a teacher in secondary level. Just like the other workers, my mom also works from home to still comply with her requirements and obligations to her students.

With the virus outbreak and lockdown, I was sure that many things were bothering me.  Due to little access to the internet and resources such as laptops, I personally worry about my schooling. Most of our subjects in second year are major subjects, but thankfully, when other professors do the grade consultation and I was relieved because I got good grades. I am happy because despite the situation, I can still comply with the workload and of course, most of our professors are considerate enough. 

What worries me more is that if classes and work resume on april 15 (which is not yet determined as of now), we might not be able to flatten the curve and our situation may get worse like in Italy, China or the US. However, if the ECQ continues, it will surely affect our economic state. That’s why I’ve been hoping that everyone is safe and this pandemic will be gone soon. 

As for me, since I cannot access the internet easily and engage myself in social media activities today, I look for other things that could entertain me. I was impressed, because I am a typical guy who plays mobile games that were actually made for young guys, but since I wanna try something new, I installed offline games like Adorable Home. It’s just funny because way back before, when this game hit its peak, I was telling them “it’s boring” but look at me now, I’m actually enjoying playing with the cats. Of course, aside from that, I also enjoy sleeping and cleaning our backyard. I’m also building a cabinet that fits in my room where I can display my collection of toys. 

Coronavirus really affects the life of every person. Maybe, this situation is bound to change us in an aspect that we never thought we needed. Despite what I lack, I’m still grateful because I know some of us barely have something to eat every morning until they close their eyes. Some of them try to defy the protocol because they are hungry and desperate. We can never blame them because those people are not as lucky as we got to be. 

Every night, before we go to sleep, let’s always pray that as we sleep in our soft and comfortable bed, these people also sleep with their tummy satisfied. When I’m alone and laying on my bed, I always take time to refresh all of my memories together. Sometimes I can’t help but cry because of the mistakes that I made when I was young. I cry because I want to fix those mistakes in my past so I get to be better today. But, I know that I cannot do that anymore. Day by day, as I see people die due to the COVID-19 disease, I can’t help but think if they made the most of their life and regret their wrongs? Did their family know they loved them? That’s my everyday realizations that’s why as much as possible, I want to make the most out of my life and tell people I love them and I regret hurting them.

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