MIANO, EDLYN D. | 1 APRIL 2020 | BLOGPOST #3 | 3:00 PM

First moves to make in a zombie apocalypse

          I used to love watching movies about zombie apocalypse because of its futuristic view of what we must do in situations like that.  I never imagined that those films will be something I’ll experience, with this worldwide pandemic I felt so certain that I’ll be lost in this uncertainty.  We are halted, overwhelmed, and everything is unbelievable from the rise of new cases in our country up to the different issues exploding in our society that was triggered by this COVID 19 pandemic.  I will be honest, I am scared.  Everything is new to all of us; I don’t know what will happen on the next few days if we won’t stop the spread of the deadly virus.  I feel like I am trapped with all that is happening around us, I am panicking inside because I am uncertain if we can get rid of this crisis as soon as possible.

          Upon writing this blog I am bombarded with so many thoughts that is messing up my whole agenda for this post but I’ll be spontaneous in whatever I want to say, I don’t want to hold back because this situation makes me feel like I am in a zone where I needed to survive and to assure myself that everything will be fine.  For the past days since the quarantine started I’ve been feeling anxious about a lot of things, I’ve been over thinking about the things that I have done in the past and when this feeling got into my nerves I started researching if it is normal to feel this way because I am not used to this kind of behavior that is unpleasant and uncertain. And upon researching about the things I feel I encountered a video by Bianca Gonzales, a Kapamilya talk show host, wherein she interviewed an expert and a resident psychologist in the PBB house and tackled about the situation we are in and how it is similar in being a PBB Housemate.  The resident psychologist said that the only similarities we have with the PBB housemates is that we are isolated and kept from the world and beyond that we experience more difficult things than the housemates because we are on the real world, the uncertainty is on and everything feels so overwhelming.  One of the topics he discussed is about the cabin fever and he said that when someone experience this kind of fever he or she will feel anxious and uncertain about a lot of things, the fever will target your mentality about the things that going on around you and he added that it is normal and at that moment I realized that my feelings are normal, we are all trapped in this situation where we feel so helpless and bored at the same time.  To get rid of this fever I busied myself with the household chores because I can’t surf around the internet due to internet accessibility.  When I started to busied myself I felt a big difference, I started to regain mental stability and I started to regain my focus on the things that matter, my anxiousness lessen and I felt so relieved.  I realized that in this situation we need to calm down and to make things productive as much as possible even when we are inside our house because the more you do nothing, the more darkness filled you with uncertainty.

          When this whole mess was still out of the corner I used to love thinking about the future, what kind of person I can create for the future.  My future matters to me the most because it holds the core of my whole human purpose but when this pandemic happened and we are all caught up in this isolation kind of life I realized that future won’t exist if we remain awful in the present, that making big moves should not be reserved in the future but rather should be done in the present.  We must not create a list of things to do in the future but rather create things we must do in the present to build our future.  There is nothing we can change in the future if our now is not progressing.  That’s why little by little I am creating silent movement for the me now and the me in the future.  We must be certain about our goals even if it is uncertain for now.

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