Until now, the number of patients infected by the virus is continuously growing and has already reached more than 1000 people. There are a lot of things happening in our surroundings and neither of these are expected to happen. Due to the situation, the national government has decided to assign all the municipalities together with the local government units to conduct certain precautions to prevent the risk of infection in the community.  

One of the many things that the local government units is implementing is the “One quarantine pass per family only”, meaning there is only one person in the family who is authorized and allowed to go outside and buy food and medical supplies, if needed. In connection with the “grocery buying”, personally speaking it is totally fine because I am already used to staying at home. However, knowing the situation in every supermarket saddens me because of the long queue everywhere, whether it is in the grocery, wet markets or even at drug stores, due to the standard operating procedures (SOP) which is social distancing. Based on my experience, it is quite hard and tiring to line up, stand for an hour or more to wait for your turn. Nonetheless, I think it is right and just to implement such an order to prevent the risk of infection for the betterment of everyone. 

In addition to that, there are a lot of things that we are not allowed to do like going to school, attending events, hanging out with family and friends and having direct contact with others. For me, it is not a big deal because what matters to me the most in times like this is basically my safety as well as my family’s. It worries me thinking about the situation of the people below the poverty line who cannot afford to buy enough goods, those who live in the streets, those who don’t have access to clean air and water, proper clothing, the children, the elders and the sick are the ones I am concerned about. Obviously, they don’t have the means to provide for their families. I grew up in a family wherein we only get what is necessary, the needs and not our wants. I am really having a hard time thinking of a way on how I can help the needy knowing the fact that we only have enough and that I am still a student. In short, I don’t have the means to help them. However believe it or not, my way of helping people is by Praying for their health and safety because for now that’s all I can give, because I believe that Prayer is the most powerful thing in the World. I know, I may sound hypocritical to you but believe me I am not. All I want is for everyone’s security, because thinking of our own safety is as important as thinking about the others’ most especially those people who are most vulnerable to the situation.

Due to the situation that we are into nowadays, I came up with a lot of realizations in life. I realized that it is important to be aware of what is happening in the world, not only with what is trending or viral but with the societal issues and crisis that we are facing. Also, I became more conscious with my health and  gained knowledge about the dos and don’ts. It is sad to think that there are still people who took advantage of the situation and that is one of the things that I have realized, to take the situation seriously because this disease is really not a joke. A lot of people have been suffering from the disease and I can see that they are really having a hard time. That’s why following certain precautions  to prevent ourselves from having the virus is a must. And most importantly, it serves as an eye-opener not only for me but for everyone to take care of our mother nature. I can say that these realizations helped and changed my view and perception in life a little bit.

With that being said, I think all of the things that are happening to us are mere challenges. It’s just a matter of overcoming these obstacles. I believe that without the struggles, challenges and suffering we are experiencing we wouldn’t be the person we are right now and we wouldn’t be as strong as we are right now. It is important for us to acknowledge and accept all the problems because these problems are definitely the key to success, accomplishment and betterment of all. Let us all remember that life is precious, so love, have faith, be good and do good.

The struggle of life is one of our greatest blessings. It makes us patient, sensitive and Godlike. It teaches us that although the world is full of suffering, it is also full of the overcoming of it.

Helen Keller

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