photo: google
edit: Aliciarose

This COVID-19 causes alarm, panic, fear, and threat to the world. Lot of businesses, companies, and organizations is affected by this pandemic. And, facing extreme challenge on this situation. Some offices are being closed, and some meetings are postponed and their employees sent home. Employees are the one who is currently suffering because they don’t have income because not everyone is being paid. Some employees are no work, no pay. Another is our drivers, they cannot take services because of the enhance quarantine and if they break the laws they are will be on jail so it is hard for them to find income in order to survive every day. Another is our vendors, they cannot sell outside because of the lockdown, and how they can eat and survive with their love ones if they cannot sell and have income. And even the students are suffering on this situation, their studies are affected because from physical learning shift to online class is so hard, because not everyone have an access to the material and to internet. Yes, data may be an alternative but how they can load if they do not have money for the load. Because of this lock down lot of these are knockdown.

Even me, my party is affected and knockdown because of this COVID-19. I didn’t get a chance to throw a party because the suspension of class is started by March 9 and my birthday is March 10. First, I didn’t get a chance to take my midterm exam on that day next is my birthday. Because of the suspension we didn’t get a chance meet my classmates and friends, so I celebrated my 20th birthday with my family.

After that our council started a meeting of what we can do to help our barangay about this pandemic. So as barangay official we decided to give alcohols, hand soaps and vitamins to the people on our barangay, especially for the kids and elderly because they are prone to this virus. First, we buy gallons of hand soap and liters of alcohol, and boxes of vitamin. It takes one week to look for this because they don’t let us buy whole sale. Next are we re-packing for two days. We made 200 plus kits. We know it is limited because the resources are limited too. And we don’t have enough budgets because the SK budget is not as much the official barangay budget. After we re-pack, on the next day we gave it to the people in our barangay. But, my feelings are knockdown because a lot people say that we just do it for clout and not for our service as a barangay official. It broke my heart because the person who will talk something about is from our barangay. We know it is a little way but at least they can notice our effort for that. We know it is not a big supply or kits but we do our best to help them. And it saddens me that this lockdown got knockdown our efforts by the people reaction.

this is the moment when we are re-packing the hygiene kits we gave to the people.

Even opportunities got knockdown like our training, tune ups, competitions and events because of this. We didn’t get a chance to compete with the upcoming Philippine Taekwondo League (PTL) against Ateneo Blue Eagle, and our tune ups to the University of the East- Red warriors because of this lock down. Even our cross training at Pampanga got cancelled and especially the NCAA season 95 terminate because of this pandemic. Even the UAAP schools and competitions got cancelled and turn down and terminated because of this lock down.

Even our great Doctors, nurses, medical technicians, and front liners are getting knockdown because of this virus. They risk their lives just to help and to turn own this sickness but on the other hand they are the one who is having this virus when we really need them the most. So please people, follow the law of our government, follow the ordinances of your city and follow the rules of your barangays. Nothing will lose if we abide the law and follow it. And It is okay to follow than to lost someone lives again because of you being obstinate.

Your perseverance as hope: A thank you to the frontliners in the ...

Don’t let the COVID-19 knockdown our Country because of this lock down.

— Gonzales, Aliciarose A. || COMM2B

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